About Us
ART YARD BKLYN (AYB) is a not-for-profit arts organization that provides contemporary visual art education for underserved kids, teens, adults, and practicing artists of all ages via dedicated classes and K-12 school partnerships. Participants are supported, mentored and given opportunities as artists and teachers.
Teaching Artists are stylistically, culturally, and generationally diverse professional artists and educators. We provide ongoing staff development and support including regular full staff meetings; hands-on materials and methods training; peer-to-peer coaching; mentoring opportunities; trips and exposure to collaborating partners; and exhibition, residency, and exchange opportunities.
Artist Advisory Committee Dennis Buonagura, Candy Heiland, Jordan Hendrickson, Meridith McNeal and Daryl Sledge.
Board of Directors: Claudia Alvarez, Elinore Antell, Dennis Buonagura, Cecile Chong, Patrick Grenier, Meridith McNeal, Edwin Montoya, and Mario Schollmeyer.
We believe that art as a holistic endeavor allows us to delve into any topic imaginable. The practice of learning, creating, thinking, and discussing art nourishes people of all ages in body, mind, heart, and spirit. AYB builds and strengthens community through art, fostering a sense of civic responsibility and awareness of social justice, and creating a safe haven where everyone is treated with kindness and respect.
ART YARD BKLYN, Inc is a not-for-profit (501-c-3) our EIN: 84-4252155, NYC DOE Vendor: ART252155, JC DOE Vendor: 10069.